People are using GPS Tracking Applications for tracking of their pets, parents, kids or spouse. In most of the cases people are using these applications very easily but in some cases people are failing in uses of this kind of applications.
Majorly people are failing in uses of gps tracking applications as they are new to technology or new users of smart phones or not aware about application in compare to advanced users. Let’s discuss about major barriers of using gps tracking technology.
1.GPRS Connection – Most common reason behind failure in working of application is gprs connection. As we know installing application is not enough, now a day most of the application needs working gprs connection. Hence using this kind of applications it is prerequisite to have GPS Enabled Smart Phone with Active GPRS Connection.
For avoiding this kind of problem always use GPS Enabled phone with Active GPRS connection so your application works.
2. Installation Problem – Application Installation is another most faced problem by new technology users. For installing any kind of application it has some precondition like to have some software or hardware requirement in smart phones. If user is not aware about it then installation will be fail.
To avoid this kind problem always read installation guide of GPS Tracking Application and install the software or hardware required before installing GPS Tracking Applications.
3. Application Settings - Application setting is the weirdest reason among failure of using gps tracking applications. It’s not believable but true, sometimes what happens if user forgets to change by default settings of application then user can’t get most from app. For instance sometimes application by default setting contains never for data retrieval or gps location data or incoming / outgoing call list or sent / received texts.
It’s better to check it out application setting while starting uses of GPS based tracking applications.
4. Not Aware about Smart Phones – Generally most of the people are aware about their functionality of smart phones. It’s also proven wrong in some cases like users aren’t aware about limitations of their smart phones. For instance application supports Google native maps for location tracking but it doesn’t show in user’s smart phone (in some of model of BlackBerry Google maps doesn’t support) .
To avoid this kind of problem always check default functionality of smart phones.
Hope this article will bring notice about reasons of failure in uses of GPS based tracking applications for Android, BlackBerry, iPhone and other smart phones.